Grzegorz Rokicki

Position: office service
Phone: +48223395400
Categories: Obsługa biura
Senior Assistant

Grzegorz studied IT at the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as law at Stefan Wyszynski University.

In addition to administrative and reception work, his primary duties include maintaining the law firm’s archive and IT support systems (records of the procedures the law firm advises on, circulation of electronic documents, registration of working time).

Grzegorz has been with DMS since 2010. He is an expert in resolving computer problems as they arise. He helps with formatting and the graphic layout of texts before they are sent to their target recipients.
In his free time, he is an activist in non-governmental organizations supporting the enforcement of the rule of law and democratic values in public life.


DMS DeBenedetti Majewski Szcześniak
tel.: + 48 22 339 54 00